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The inner child


Annastacia Wainana
Keynote speaker & 2016 Australia African NSW chapter humanitarian award winner.

Our childhood is foundational to who we are. Research and there are still arguments about these states that the fir 7 yrs of a child are paramount in organizing the brain architecture. Most importantly is the wiring of the subconscious mind at this age. Research also suggest that our brain’s development continues till about age of 25yrs. However, there is research on neuroplasticity, meaning that if the brain is exposed to new information regularly it's capable of reorganizing synaptic connections.

Therefore, it's important that we keep our inner child alive and keep learning. Learning can be from books, podcast, YouTube, face to face mental stimulating discussions. How are you spending your days? Are you fostering an environment that is encourages growth and learning? Did you know if you read 20 mins each day you would read a book each month? Set yourself a challenge for the remaining part of the year you will read a book each month.

The child inside of us determines how we experience the world. Take time to listen to the little girl/boy inside of you bring the things that are both a treasure and pain point into your consciousness. This is part of being self-aware, in knowing that the way your experience the world has a lot to do with your childhood.

However, do not be a victim of your past. Learn skills and tools on how to overcome the traumas of your past and yes you do have to bring them to your awareness and deal with them. What do I mean a child who is 5yrs and living with abusive parents is a victim of the situation, an adult who had abusive children and blames the parents for his/her life experiences is living in victimhood.

Children are authentic and unapologetic (until we teach them otherwise) and thus channelling into our inner child means we are authentic, and we show up into the world as we are. We are not too bothered a bout what others think about us, but we unapologetically show up into the world and announce we are here. Dare today to show up to the world as you.

Children are non-judgemental and inclusive. Imagine if we all did life with no judgement and we embraced our diversity and celebrated each other. This is not a dream you can make it a reality in your life from today.

Let all channel into our inner child!


A must read book written by Annastacia Wainana. The book contains up to 161 pages filled with amazing write ups from the author. Up to 17 Chapters on various rich topics and over 10,000 purchase in both Ebook format and Hard copy since the book was published.


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