Annastacia Wainana - August 12 2020
Make It Happen For Children In Need

Every child deserves a family and deserves love. This is true for all children regardless of gender, social status, race, country of origin however what should qualify them is being human.
Children affairs should be a top agenda of each human being and a top priority for all governments. We should be committed to a better tomorrow by disrupting the cycles that create inequality in children affairs. These is where the end of poverty agenda should start.
This study published by science direct shows there are over 2.7 millions children in formal alternative care please note the word Formal that means in countries like Kenya where kinship adoption is not legalised and also where data might be correct the numbers might be even higher.
Child adoption is a great experience done right for both the adoptee and the adoptive family.
Here are some of the 5 common myths about child adoption
1. People adopt because they are unable to give birth naturally: Whereas this is one of the reasons for adoption there are many reasons why people choose to adopt and have extremely rewarding experiences. The intention of why any family is wanting to adopt must be clear and hopefully not a selfish one. The main reason/intention to adopt should be to give a child a family that they deserve and a sense of belonging. Here are some amazing success adoption stories " CLICK HERE".
2. Adopted children are bought children. These was one of the statements I heard when I was looking into adopting. Out of a place of love and care someone close to me asked me why I would want to buy a child. I also remember growing up and hearing in the neighborhood people talk about these two children who were bought. There is no price tag one can put on a child. Yes, there are fees that are involved in the adoption process however it's not a cost for adoption. Please check on what fees are involved in your country as every country is different. Would be so ideal to see government overing these costs and ensuring that no money is exchanged in an adoption process (this is my dream).
3. International child adoption is a gateway to child trafficking. I heard these statement as I research on why my motherland Kenya issued a moratorium on child adoption and one of the explanations was to curb child trafficking. “Ludacris” is that your reaction? You are not alone. If child trafficking is happening through a court system then there is something seriously wrong with the judicial system and the focus should be to fix the system not deny a child a chance to have a family (topic for another day).
Annastacia Wainana posing with friends on the day she launched her book titled "IGNITE"
4. Raising adopted children is not the same as raising your own biological children. Is it different? Oh well, this takes me back to what your intention of adopting? If you make a commitment to take a child home and give them a family and a sense of belonging, there should therefore never be a difference of you raising your own biological children and raising an adopted child. I know amazing humans out in the world who are unspoken heroes who are raising children they haven’t given birth to with so much love and care. My mum, my heroin and she has done this amazingly well. (This woman deserves a platinum for the work she continues to do). Go to and buy the book called Ignite to hear all about her.
5. Adopted children are always troubled children. Did you know Steve Job, Nelson Mandela among others were adopted? Please "CLICK HERE" to see more of the celebrities who were adopted as children. I know very normal productive members of the society who were adopted. There is a lenses in which society looks at adopted children and tends to have high standards and expectations of them and so if these children act up like any other teen child going through the normal stage of life there are labelled as difficult.
You can order Annastacia's Book below. IGNITE - BLAZING THE ETERNAL FIRE INSIDE OF YOU.