Annastacia Wainana
Keynote speaker & 2016 Australia African NSW chapter humanitarian award winner.
The dictionary meaning is the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. A person’s sense of resolve and determination.
We find our reason of existence not at the mountain top but in times of tribulations. At these times we can truly be with ourselves and go deep inside of us to find what brings us alive when all the accolades of life are striped of us. The process is arduous and confronting however if we just be and let go then we get rebirthed into our awakeness.
We are globally faced with unprecedented times, these times are challenging economically, physically, emotionally, relationally and spirituality. We all have a different way of interpreting and coping with crisis, these mechanisms are informed both consciously and subconsciously. These times are reviling who we truly are because when life happens, we cannot be phoney.
Equally important to note that during these crises they are business and individuals who are thriving for example Overstock reports that their April sales increased up to 120% compared to same month last year. Mrs X who lost her jobs have been forced to engage their creative juices and thrusted into the entrepreneur world.
Three ways we can make most of these times to ignite our purpose:

1. Be present:
It sounds cliché to say be present or to have the awakens of our mind and I do not mean you have to sit and meditate though that might be what this means for some. However, be with the moment, feel the water as its streams on your skin in the shower and recognise that. As you sit for a meal with your family, hear them, seen them, feel them and be in the moment with them.
If you are going through a hard time, sit in the moment and go through the motions. We avoid hurting and will do anything we can to avoid the feeling, however the starting point of finding your peace is being present with the pain and letting yourself feel.
2. Being of service:
Doing what we do with an intention to serve. An attitude of service goes a long way. These has become cliché however unequivocal and powerful. When we do what we do to serve others and not to earn money or the intention being what we get out of it only then do we get the satisfaction and know that we are on purpose. Can you do what you do even if you were not being paid. Money is a great thing as a means of transaction and a by product of what we do. Find something that you love to do and serve others whether that means cooking a meal for your elderly neighbour or responsible selling shares that you have been entrusted with.

3. Be daring:
Do not just exist in life. We hear this a lot but what does it mean. Take some risks, dare to think, challenge the status quo, stand for what you believe in even when you are the only one. What is that thing that pushes you out of your comfort zone, but you are so convicted that you are willing to die for it. What is that idea that keep you awake at night. What brings you joy; these does not mean it’s easy but the thought of it makes you feel alive. What if you committed to do something that you are afraid of and see what lies on the other side of it. Go binge jump this might be what you need to believe in you.
A must read book written by Annastacia Wainana. The book contains up to 161 pages filled with amazing write ups from the author. Up to 17 Chapters on various rich topics and over 10,000 purchase in both Ebook format and Hard copy since the book was published